Conditions d’utilisation

Accueil 5 Conditions d’utilisation

This website (“” hereinafter referred to as the « Website ») belongs to the company under the trade name “VLACHOS BROS S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and has been created exclusively for your information. Every user having access in the material available by  the Company through the Website, should carefully read these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the « Terms » or « Terms of Use » or “Terms”) before further using the Website in any way and in the event of any disagreement he/she should refrain from any further use whatsoever. Use of the Website implies the full, explicit and unconditional acceptance of these Terms by the visitor / user.

These Terms of Use apply to the entire content of the Website.

The Company may renew, supplement, update and/or modify the Terms of Use, in whole or partially, whenever it is considered as necessary. For their thorough information, the users/visitors are also required to check for any modifications and/or additions of the Terms of Use.

Ccontinuance of use of the Website after any modification or completion or update of the Terms of Use, indicates acceptance by the user of the revised Terms. In case of non-acceptance, the user must abstain from any use/visit of the Website.


  • The Company is the owner of the Website and all of its contents. The Company has full and complete copyright, which includes, amongst other rights, the exclusive right to use and exploit both the Website, under Law 2121/1993 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, as applicable, as from the time of its creation, and any other application or work that may be considered to be directly or indirectly linked to the Website.
  • In particular, the entire content of the Website, including but not limited to, texts, news, graphics, photographs, videos, drawings, illustrations, services and other files of any kind in general, is subject of intellectual property and is governed by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws, with the exception of the explicitly recognized rights of third parties.
  • All logos, database rights, trademarks and other industrial property rights of this Website, as well as its structure and design are owned exclusively by the Company, unless otherwise stated.
  • It is expressly prohibited to reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, perform, translate, modify in any way, partially or in summary, of any content of the Website and above rights, without the previous expressed written consent of the Company.
  • Every person who wishes to incorporate in its website any part/content of the Website is obliged to obtain prior written consent of the Company, which reserves the right to withdraw such consent-authorization at any time.


  • Use of the Website must be done in accordance with the law and the present Terms of Use solely for legitimate purposes and must not restrict or impede third party use.
  • The visitor / user of the Website must use it in compliance with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications, as well as with the applicable code of conduct on the Internet (Netiquette) and must abstain from any unlawful and abusive use of the content and services of the Website and in general from any activity that may directly or indirectly damage the interests and/or the commercial reputation of the Company.
  • The visitor/user is also obliged to behave politely and discreetly during his visit and use of the Website.
  • Indicatively, use of the Website for sending, publishing, transmitting, reproducing or otherwise disposing content that may for any reason be, or considered to be, unlawful, threatening, disturbing, obscene or expressing racial opinions, or other discriminations, violent or threatening to violate any patent, trademark, copyright or other property rights of third parties, containing software viruses or any other codes, files, programs designed to cause harm, destroying or obstructing the function of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally, and in general violating the applicable Greek and Union law, is prohibited. It is also forbidden for the user to use any software, formula or device to intervene or attempt to intervene electronically or manually in the organization or functionality of the Website, to destroy, alter or otherwise interfere in the final form of this Website or its code, to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to any of the Company’s networks.
  • In the event that the Company finds any use by the visitor/user to be in breach of the above, then the user, regardless of any other sanctions, is obliged to immediately cease use of the Website.


  • Under no circumstances, including negligence, is the Company liable for any damage that may be caused to the visitor/user by accessing, using and connecting to the Website.
  • The Website’s information and services are provided « as they are ». Although every effort is made to ensure that information provided is accurate, complete, true, updated and highly available to the extent possible, the Company does not warrant for the correctness and accuracy or the merchantability, or suitability of these elements, which the visitor uses solely on his/her own responsibility.
  • The Company does not in any way warrant for uninterrupted and error-free provision of the services and content of the Website, nor for absence of viruses. Therefore, the visitor/user acknowledges himself/herself to be solely responsible for correct and lawful use of the Website and must carry out all necessary checks.

As a result, any loss or damage of/to the Website or the network that may result from use or inability of the user to use the respective services, or from omissions, program errors, interruptions or delays during the use or during transmission of the information contained therein etc., or from downloading material, text and other data contained therein,  is attributed to the user’s sole responsibility and the Company accepts no responsibility for any loss, alteration or destruction of the data or the software or the hardware of the user that may occur during or after the use of this Website, nor for any program errors (bugs), human factor, program malfunction, or any other error, omission or delay in computer or network connection transmission. Anything provided to the users / visitors through the Website is not, in any way, directly or indirectly, the subject of incitement, advice or encouragement to carry out any act; nor can it be considered as invitation for the visitor/user to proceed with any other transaction. It is at the discretion of the users / visitors to evaluate whatever is provided to them and act on their own will, excluding any relevant responsibility of the Company.


  • A hyperlink to other websites will then only be provided for the convenience of the Website users and in no way creates any form of commitment to any person.
  • The Company has not inspected such websites, it does not accept or provide any warranty regarding their content or services and it does not accept any liability that a visitor / user may allege from accessing these websites or from the collection of personal data made by these sites nor does it, of course, warrant for their availability. Moreover, the Company is not responsible for the terms of personal data use and protection that these sites apply thereto.
  • Any problems that may arise while visiting/using these websites rest solely in the sphere of liability of the respective websites, to which the users should address.


  • This Website collects personal data every time the visitor/user subscribes to the services provided and/or completes a registration form and/or uses or visits the Website in general.
  • Also, the Company collects the user’s personal data when he/she communicates with it through the e-mail address specifically mentioned on the Website.
  • This personal data includes, but is not limited to, the name, the address or work address, the e-mail address, the type of employment.
  • In addition, the Company automatically records information from the electronic equipment used, including the IP addresses of the persons visiting the Website, as well as information from « cookies » it sends and installs to the computer of these persons.
  • By disabling Cookies or withdrawing your consent, functions of the website will not be available.
  • The Company uses the personal data collected as above in order to inform the visitors / users and to select the content offered to them so that they are relevant to their general preferences with the aim to meet the requirements of the customers / users of the services and products available from and through the Website.


  • The Company recognizes the importance of the security of the visitors/users’ personal data and is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of the data collected through the Website.
  • Therefore, the Company adopts procedures and undertakes and applies the appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order to safeguard the personal data of the users and to protect such data from unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse and alteration or destruction.
  • The Company processes the users’ personal data for reasons related to the use of the Website (e.g. updating, communication, information, products’ presentation etc.), to improve the services provided and by no means for reasons that are incompatible with the purposes of their collection.
  • Such data is retained only for as long as necessary for the purpose of their processing.
  • Employees of the Company who have access to the users’ personal data are specific and unauthorized access is prohibited, except where the use by third parties is permitted or required by law (for example, by competent authorities).
  • The Company expressly declares that it does not sell, disclose or allow access to such data to any third party. Only employees of the Company as above may access information of such nature, if the subject of their employment explicitly requires such access. Users’ personal information may also be disclosed to affiliates of the Company or enterprises which co-operate with the Company for the purpose of supporting, promoting and performing the customer relationship with the Company etc., supporting the Website etc. In these cases, the Company ensures that these companies implement similar measures that ensure security and confidentiality of the users’ personal data.
  • The Company exerts every reasonable effort to ensure that the use of this information is carried out with absolute discretion, diligence and in accordance with the Law.
  • The process and protection of visitor’s / user’s personal data by the Company is governed by these Terms of Use and the relevant provisions of both Greek and European Law.


  • Users have the right to access their personal data, be informed of the processing and request a copy thereof, have their data rectified or erased or have incomplete personal data completed, ask for restriction of processing, object to further processing of their data etc., as provided for in the applicable Greek and European legislation, for the protection of personal data.
  • If and to the extent that the processing is based on their consent, users also have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, without prejudice to the legitimacy of the processing already made based on such consent up to its revocation.
  • For any query, suggestion, remark or statement upon any matter that concerns users as well as the exercise of any of their rights as subjects of personal data held by the Company, users may contact the Company.


  • Users have the right to refer to the Data Protection Authority (ΑΠΔΠΧ) for matters related to the processing of their personal data.
  • For information on the jurisdiction of the Authority and on details on how to file a complaint, visitors/users may visit its website ( – My Rights – Submitting a Complaint), where detailed data is available.


  • The present Terms of Use are governed by Greek and European law and the relevant international provisions and shall be interpreted in accordance with the rules of good faith, moral trading conduct and the economic and social purpose of rights. If any provision of the Terms of Use is found to be contrary to the law and therefore invalid or voidable, it shall automatically cease to be valid, without in any way prejudicing the validity of the other provisions. No modification of any of the provisions of these Terms shall be taken into account and shall not form part thereof, unless it has been drafted in writing and incorporated in the Terms.
  • Any dispute arising from the present Terms, shall be brought before the courts of Athens, which are designated as competent courts.


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